Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Tree Door
By Victoria

“So that is the mystery of that door,” said the girl.
“So what, there is no mystery to that door,” said the boy.
“It's probably only just a tree and a door,”said the boy
“Do you think so?” said the girl.                     
“Yes. I do think so,” said the boy.
“Well then I’m just going to try to open that door and prove that you are wrong,” said the girl.
“Fine. Then open the door. I bet you are wrong,” said the boy.
“Fine I will go and try that door,” said the girl.
Then the girl walked right up to the door and turned the handle. It was locked.
“See I am right and you are wrong, see,” said the boy.
“Wait,” said the girl.
“What?”  said the boy.
The door made a noise, maybe the door is going to open. Then the girl will be right and the boy will be wrong. Wonder who is right or who is wrong.
“Hey, can you hear that?”, the girl say.
“Hear what? There is nothing there. Only a really creepy noise. Oh Oh. some thing is here,”the boy said.  
The boy was terrified.
“Relax it's just the door creaking,” the girl said.
“Oh I knew that,” said the boy.
“Oh no you didn't,” said the girl.  
Then the door slowly opened. The boy could not believe it. Just then the boy was about to faint.
So the girl was right all along and the boy was wrong the whole time. That is the story of the girl and the boy. They can be wrong or right anytime.  
The end.
By Victoria

1 comment:

  1. I love your story. It sounds like a big challenge for them. That girl is clever. That boy was not right and he was funny. You have a good imagination. That was an awesome story. From Tess and Sally
